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[Solved]Adding JavaScript events to HelperForm


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How do I add javascript event calls to the input fields in Helper form?


I've tried adding 

'onchange' => 'function()',

but this doesn't seem to render.

Is there another way to check events on input fields ? for instance, I'd like to check the checked value of a switch fields, and perform some CSS changes based on this value.



Edited by AppleEater (see edit history)
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In fact it's recommended you plug all javascript after DOM load


If you add the ids and or classes you can target those inputs easily with jquery


So for example


	//hover 'other views' images management
	$('#views_block li a').hover(

	//add a link on the span 'view full size' and on the big image
	$('#view_full_size, #image-block img').click(function(){
		$('#views_block .shown').click();

Edited by Enrique Gómez (see edit history)
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Apparently when adding a JS script to a module  in hook 'hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader', it's being loaded before the jQuery functions, so one can't use the jQuery model.

The code I found to work is:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  // function code
// sample code to add listener
var test_on = document.getElementById('test_mode_on');
	test_on.addEventListener('click',function() {
          // function code for this listener
}, false);

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