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Position of jqZoom

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Hi, I increased the jqZoom size, but after it the jqzoom moved to the front of the of image, so wasn't working properly, but, i went to "js\jquery\plugins\jqzoom\jquery.jqzoom.js" and i added some values, i got the help from a post that i saw in the forum.


this is the change I did:


$(this).hover(function() {
var imageRelativeLeft = $(this).get(0).offsetLeft;
var imageLeft = $($(this).get(0)).offset().left;
var imageRelativeTop =  $(this).get(0).offsetTop + 100;
var imageTop = $($(this).get(0)).offset().top;
var imageWidth = $(this).get(0).offsetWidth;
var imageHeight = $(this).get(0).offsetHeight;
the "+100" was the change, and worked from the top to the bottom, the jqZoom got down, but in the "offsetLeft" so I can move right to left wasn't working, I added values in the "var imageLeft", the "var imageRelativeLeft", increasing or reducing(+100, -100), and none worked. So it is now like this:
How do i position the jqZoom in the side of the image? Thank's
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