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Image thumbnails missing from BO products list.

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Hi all, i am having an issue with product thumbnails not appearing in the back office catalog/products list




Here is my browsers error log




And a copy of one of the image url's


I am using ver


I am also having issues with block share where it isnt posting image/title/description to a facebook post. Wether that has anything to do with it or not, thats for another post.

many thanks in advance



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these images are usually stored in /img/tmp/ directory


can you check if this directory exists in your prestashop filesystem


Hi, I have same problem actually i have 1000+ products in my store and i just upgraded from 1.2.5 to


Everything works fine, i also regenerated all images.


Actually main issue is that under catalog > products list - there is no image tumbnail (product_mini). infact i also have img/tmp directory with all images. If i upload a new product then it's ok image will come but my last 1000+ products list is not showing any image.


Please help!

Edited by satindersingh (see edit history)
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right click on one of thumb that doesnt work

and "copy url of image"

paste it here please


Actually there is no url just blank space, check img below6r0VQgF.jpg



If i add new product then it's ok but all old one have blank space,


here is code from inspect element:- (for old products)


<td onclick="document.location = 'index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=2743&updateproduct&token=6e6d58db44bb64ded4d6e960318817b9'" class="pointer center">



here is code from inspect element:- (for recent uploaded products)


<td onclick="document.location = 'index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=2745&updateproduct&token=6e6d58db44bb64ded4d6e960318817b9'" class="pointer center">

<img class="imgm img-thumbnail" alt="" src="../img/tmp/product_mini_2745_1.jpg?time=1413454427">



Actually what i found that in img/tmp folder all old images are in this format:- product_mini_productid.jpg while the new uploaded images also have "_1" in last like:- product_mini_productid_1.jpg


i have regenerated all images but no effect and if i upload images again in old products then it works and new image saved by a name:- product_mini_productid_1.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same issue since yesterday in PS

Adding products = all ok, viewing products in frontend = ok.

But in backend (admin) product_mini images are not shown and no longer generated, it seems.


Update: after checking the non-generated product_mini images, it seems that those who are not generated are marked as a .gif image. Nothing has changed, nor are the uploaded images in .gif; all are .jpg extensions.

Something is changing the product_mini generation into .gif mode, which are not generated or visible.


How to solve this?

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  • 3 months later...

I have the issue ever since I started using the PS, the first version was 1.25. Why are these separate tmp/product_mini images used for that in the first place, since there are thumbnails for each products already?


The images are physically there in the tmp, but some are like 123.jpg, the others 123_0.jpg or 123_1.jpg, is that for multi store?

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I have the issue ever since I started using the PS, the first version was 1.25. Why are these separate tmp/product_mini images used for that in the first place, since there are thumbnails for each products already?


The images are physically there in the tmp, but some are like 123.jpg, the others 123_0.jpg or 123_1.jpg, is that for multi store?


consoling  :)

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