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Problem with multilanguage

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I have 2 languages: english and spanish.

Default language on the Localization - Configuration Tab - Espanol (Spanish)

Default country - United States.

Friendly URL - YES

Automatically redirect to the canonical URL - YES


Language block is disabled in modules.


The problem is if I go www.domainname.com it will automatically redirect to www.domainname.com/en instead of Default Language - Espanol (theoretically it should go to www.domainname.com/es )

Tried different computers, cleared cache and cookies, cleared Smarty Cache - nothing help.


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try this


change your browser language priority, put Spanish at the top.

clear your browser cookies (ps remembers last visit lang)


for 1.5.6 the language is detected from the browser, so if you browser language priority is English, the shop will display in English.

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