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[Solved] Product comments sirve con el tema default, pero no con el tema clean theme

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Hola y buenas tardes>


Estoy trabajando en la version 1.5.6 de PS. 


En un tema llamado Clean theme, es un tema gratuito que se supone trabaja con todos los modulos de Prestashop.




Pero por alguna razon el problema que tiene block product comments en versiones anteriores regresa al activar el clean theme.


alguna sugerencia??


desde ya, muchas gracias

Edited by photographer (see edit history)
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Según entiendo comentas que el modulo de comentarios del producto, te funciona con la plantilla por defecto, pero no con la que estas usando ahora..


En ese caso, prueba actualizar tu fichero:


con este codigo:

* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
<script type="text/javascript">
var productcomments_controller_url = '{$productcomments_controller_url}';
var confirm_report_message = '{l s='Are you sure you want report this comment?' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var secure_key = '{$secure_key}';
var productcomments_url_rewrite = '{$productcomments_url_rewriting_activated}';
var productcomment_added = '{l s='Your comment has been added!' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var productcomment_added_moderation = '{l s='Your comment has been added and will be available once approved by a moderator' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var productcomment_title = '{l s='New comment' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var productcomment_ok = '{l s='OK' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var moderation_active = {$moderation_active};

<div id="idTab5">
        <div id="product_comments_block_tab">
        {if $comments}
                {foreach from=$comments item=comment}
                        {if $comment.content}
                        <div class="comment clearfix">
                                <div class="comment_author">
                                        <span>{l s='Grade' mod='productcomments'}&nbsp</span>
                                        <div class="star_content clearfix">
                                        {section name="i" start=0 loop=5 step=1}
                                                {if $comment.grade le $smarty.section.i.index}
                                                        <div class="star"></div>
                                                        <div class="star star_on"></div>
                                        <div class="comment_author_infos">
                                                <em>{dateFormat date=$comment.date_add|escape:'html':'UTF-8' full=0}</em>
                                <div class="comment_details">
                                        <p class="title_block">{$comment.title}</p>
                                                {if $comment.total_advice > 0}
                                                        <li>{l s='%1$d out of %2$d people found this review useful.' sprintf=[$comment.total_useful,$comment.total_advice] mod='productcomments'}</li>
                                                {if $logged == 1}
                                                        {if !$comment.customer_advice}
                                                        <li>{l s='Was this comment useful to you?' mod='productcomments'}<button class="usefulness_btn" data-is-usefull="1" data-id-product-comment="{$comment.id_product_comment}">{l s='yes' mod='productcomments'}</button><button class="usefulness_btn" data-is-usefull="0" data-id-product-comment="{$comment.id_product_comment}">{l s='no' mod='productcomments'}</button></li>
                                                        {if !$comment.customer_report}
                                                        <li><span class="report_btn" data-id-product-comment="{$comment.id_product_comment}">{l s='Report abuse' mod='productcomments'}</span></li>
        {if (!$too_early AND ($logged OR $allow_guests))}
                <p class="align_center">
                        <a id="new_comment_tab_btn" class="open-comment-form" href="#new_comment_form">{l s='Write your review' mod='productcomments'} !</a>
                {if (!$too_early AND ($logged OR $allow_guests))}
                <p class="align_center">
                        <a id="new_comment_tab_btn" class="open-comment-form" href="#new_comment_form">{l s='Be the first to write your review' mod='productcomments'} !</a>
                <p class="align_center">{l s='No customer comments for the moment.' mod='productcomments'}</p>
{if isset($product) && $product}
<!-- Fancybox -->
<div style="display: none;">
        <div id="new_comment_form">
                <form id="id_new_comment_form" action="#">
                        <h2 class="title">{l s='Write your review' mod='productcomments'}</h2>
                        {if isset($product) && $product}
                        <div class="product clearfix">
                                <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $productcomment_cover, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}" alt="{$product->name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" />
                                <div class="product_desc">
                                        <p class="product_name"><strong>{$product->name}</strong></p>
                        <div class="new_comment_form_content">
                                <h2>{l s='Write your review' mod='productcomments'}</h2>

                                <div id="new_comment_form_error" class="error" style="display: none; padding: 15px 25px">

                                {if $criterions|@count > 0}
                                        <ul id="criterions_list">
                                        {foreach from=$criterions item='criterion'}
                                                        <div class="star_content">
                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="1" />
                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="2" />
                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="3" checked="checked" />
                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="4" />
                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="5" />
                                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>

                                <label for="comment_title">{l s='Title' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
                                <input id="comment_title" name="title" type="text" value=""/>

                                <label for="content">{l s='Comment' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
                                <textarea id="content" name="content"></textarea>

                                {if $allow_guests == true && $logged == 0}
                                <label>{l s='Your name' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
                                <input id="commentCustomerName" name="customer_name" type="text" value=""/>

                                <div id="new_comment_form_footer">
                                        <input id="id_product_comment_send" name="id_product" type="hidden" value='{$id_product_comment_form}' />
                                        <p class="fl required"><sup>*</sup> {l s='Required fields' mod='productcomments'}</p>
                                        <p class="fr">
                                                <button id="submitNewMessage" name="submitMessage" type="submit">{l s='Send' mod='productcomments'}</button> 
                                                {l s='or' mod='productcomments'} <a href="#" onclick="$.fancybox.close();">{l s='Cancel' mod='productcomments'}</a>
                                        <div class="clearfix"></div>
                </form><!-- /end new_comment_form_content -->
<!-- End fancybox -->
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Hola Nadie,




Ultimadamente se ha resuelto con tu ayuda ese detalle. 


Lo marco como solucionado.  


 Solo por curiosidad, ¿además del if statement, que has añadido? ¿El código lo has confeccionado tu mismo? 




Reconozco tu labor en el foro, estoy agradecido. 

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Hola Nadie,




Ultimadamente se ha resuelto con tu ayuda ese detalle. 


Lo marco como solucionado.  


 Solo por curiosidad, ¿además del if statement, que has añadido? ¿El código lo has confeccionado tu mismo? 




Reconozco tu labor en el foro, estoy agradecido. 




Yo no he confeccionado el código, lo he obtenido del código que tengo yo en la plantilla por defecto de la ultima versión, en referencia a dicho módulo.


Me alegro de que haya funcionado.


Un placer ayudarte y servirte !


PD: Como he visto que has añadido la palabra "Solucionado" al titulo del tema, procedo a cerrar el tema.



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