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PrestaShop uses the TCPDF library to generate PDF invoices. Barcodes are basically like other text but printed through a "barcode" font, not letters. That is all.

i bought the module, its working but it generating an extra digit and also a ">" behind every barcode. and i cant scan it properly. how do it solve it thanks

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  • 7 months later...

PrestaShop uses the TCPDF library to generate PDF invoices. Barcodes are basically like other text but printed through a "barcode" font, not letters. That is all.




im trying to show barcode at invoice footer but got this result: http://prntscr.com/6lwpfv


$barcodeobj = new TCPDFBarcode('http://www.myshop.eu' 'C128');


$barcod = $barcodeobj->getBarcodeHTML(2, 30, 'black');


and assign barcod to variables in HTMLTemplate.php getFooter function. What Did I do wrong? Thanks man!

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Sorry, I never used TCPDFBarcode class. I have simple <barcode> tags in my templates, but those don't use TCPDF library.

Mh, If I check the value with var_dump($barcod) I got correct bar code. And then add in footer {$barcod} I see only line like <hr />. So strange..

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, Ive changed my mind and using generated barcode in picture, but after all I commented a few lines maybe it helps u.


  $this->write1DBarcode('www.site.com', 'C39+', '', '', 20, 10, 0.4, $style, 'N');


It works , check write1DBarcode function details.

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Hello, thank you for the reply


I am using a tpl template to generate pdf and using this code:


$pdf = new PDF($this->boxes, PDF::TEMPLATE_AIRWAY,Context::getContext()->smarty);
This is how i generate barcode:
$tcpdfbarcode = new TCPDFBarcode($order->getUniqReference(), EAN13);
$bar = $tcpdfbarcode->getBarcodePNG(2, 30, array(0,0,0) );
and i assign the $bar to smarty data so i can print them in tpl template.
Can you tell me how can i add this to smarty ?
Thank you
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This is how I added barcodes to templates, with no need to change any php code. 


For yours, $bar has a png image in it.  You might be able to do something like


$smarty->assign('bar', base64_encode($bar));


then in the template

<img src="data:image/png;base64,{$bar}" alt="barcode">
But I haven't tested that at all!
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