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Pls Comment for my website : Wholesale Fashion Website


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at first glance nice site..needs a bite more to be perfect. Although a bit slow. As a user i like to be able to click anywhere - that is not the case with your top horizontal menu.Such a beautiful site needs a big cool slider on home page. 


speed 6/10

desigh 8/10

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Hi Aligulbay,

Nice design, but my personal opinion, I really do not like the twitter feed. It ruins the homepage, when im scrolling down im expecting to see more products but all i see is empty space due to the twitter feed being to long. I also do not like it on the catogories page, you should replace it maybe with a shopping tool like the layered navigation module to help customers find what they are looking for.

The site is a little slow, maybe just due to my connection.

One more thing, I do not understand when i click on a product on the homepage, why does it open up in a new tab?

Overall clean site!

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  • 1 year later...

Looks nice but is the category menu adding anything to the ease of use?  Only thing there (not in top menu) is the "Information" link.


The Skype function didn't work so good for me but perhaps it just because I don't have Skype installed. There was a "Call" link for half a second but the "Chat" link seemed dead.

Is it good practice to force ppl to register to see prices?  Perhaps it is, never thought of it myself?  What do others think?

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