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How to use ajax call in a module(to check whether the mobile phone number already exists)


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Hai friends can you help me out to knowing ajax call within a module. The purpose is i have to check whether the mobile phone number is already registered. I want to the function to return just True or false value....The problem is that i am not much into ajax part...so please help me out on how to add an ajax function and call it form a button click through jquery..and show the result in same form without refreshing

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the question is: when you want to check the number?



you have to create file: for example: ajax-call.php, create it in root dir of your module.

create there code: 


public function to_check_phone_number_here(){
// code to check phone
if (phone)
return 1;
return 0;
if ($_GET['ajax']){
echo function to_check_phone_number_here();

then in front office create ajax call like:

<script type="text/javascript">
function QuickLook() {
                                        url: '{$base_dir}modules/YOUR_MODULE/ajax-call.php',
                                        type: 'get',
                                        data: 'ajax=true',
                                        success: function(data) {
                                                // OTHER SUCCESS COMMAND - CHECK THE RETURN VALUE
    return false;
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Hai Vekia as you told i tried the ajax call but nothing works.... I have done the following (please help me)


1) created file ajax-call.php file in root folder of my module with following code


public function checkReferral(){
// code to check phone

$sql = new DbQuery();
			$sql->where('`id_customer`=\''.pSQL($num).'\'');  //instead of variable $num i want to
			$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);  	  //an arguement passed as checkReferrals parameter

if (isset($result))
	return $name;
return 0;
if ($_GET['ajax']){
echo function checkReferral();


2) modified the authentication.tpl file inside the themes/default theme directory , by adding following code

	<fieldset class="account_creation">
	<h3>{l s='Referral Information'}</h3>
	<p class="text">
		<label for="referralcode">{l s='Enter Your Referral code'}<sup> *</sup></label>
		<input type="text" size="52" maxlength="128" id="referralcode" name="referralcode"  value="{if isset($smarty.post.referralcode)}{$smarty.post.referralcode|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}" />
		<p class="preference_description">{l s='Referral Code is neccessary for account creation'}</p>
		<p id="demo"></p>
<input type="button" name="check" id="check" onClick="QuickLook()" value="{l s='Check'}" class="exclusive" />

	<script type="text/javascript">
function QuickLook() {
                                        url: '{$base_dir}modules/test/ajax-call.php',
                                        type: 'get',
                                        data: 'ajax=true',
                                        success: function() {
                                                // OTHER SUCCESS COMMAND - CHECK THE RETURN VALUE
											   document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="Referral name returned from function checkReferral";
    return false;
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  • 2 years later...

Hello, I have the same issue and I found this topic which helped me start with the code. I didn't finish though and I'm stuck to some problems.


I don't want to make a module. I just want to check if mobile phone already exists in database during registration. I use PS 1.5.4

I think that the red lines are the false ones.


I have ajax-call.php in root folder with code


public function checkReferral(){
	// Code to get phone from id phone_mobile
	// Get phone end

	$sql = new DbQuery();
				$sql->where('`phone_mobile` LIKE \'%'.$num.'%\'');  
				$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);

	if (isset($result))	{
		return $name;
		return 0;
if ($_GET['ajax']){
	echo function checkReferral();

Then I have added this code in themes/mytheme/authentication.tpl

<input onClick="QuickLook()" type="text" class="text" name="phone_mobile" id="phone_mobile" value="{if isset($smarty.post.phone_mobile)}{$smarty.post.phone_mobile}{/if}" />


<script type="text/javascript">
	function QuickLook() {
			url: '{$base_dir}ajax-call.php',
			type: 'get',
			data: 'ajax=true',
			success: function() {
					document.getElementById("phone_mobile").innerHTML="This mobile is already used by $name. Please contact our support";
		return false;  //return false and continue with registration

Please help me fill in the blanks

Thanks in advance 

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On chrome code inspection I can see that I trigger the on event function using jquery, but I cannot send and receive the data with ajax-call.php. I always get feedback as $name...

the code is


<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery('#phone_mobile').on('input propertychange paste', function() {
			url: '/ajax-call.php',
			type: 'get',
			data: 'ajax=true',
			success: function() {
					document.getElementById("phone_mobile").innerHTML="This mobile is already used by $name. Please contact our support";
		return false;  //return false and continue with registration

and ajax-call.php


function checkReferral(){
	// Code to get phone from id phone_mobile

	$sql = new DbQuery();
				$sql->where('`phone_mobile` LIKE \'%'.$num.'%\'');  
				$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);  	  //an arguement passed as checkReferrals parameter

	if (isset($result))	{
		return $name;
	{ return; }
if ($_GET['ajax']){
	echo function checkReferral();


I also get an error in php_errorlog and network->response

[30-Nov-2015 10:51:12 CST6CDT] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function getElementById() in /home/site/public_html/ajax-call.php on line 7
Can anyone help?
Edited by joss54 (see edit history)
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