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[SOLVED] I stopped receiving notification emails


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Hi !



i used to receive all notifications on my email whenever any customer creates an account or place an order.


suddenly i stopped receiving any kind of notifications . don't know why !!!


i dont think that i change or did any configuration that caused this .


Please help  :)


thank you

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one more thing regarding this issue, i installed the module (mail alerts) and configured it again, but the problem is when any customer presses "place my order" at check out, the explorer goes (Server Error).


i tired to disable this module and the (server error) issue solved and order was placed successfully.


when i re-installed this module and configured it, i had the same problem again. (along with that I am not receiving any notifications on my email)


Please help/



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are you able to test it once again? if so, please turn on mail alerts module and then - turn on error reporting in your store:

open config/defines.inc.php
find this line
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
change to look like this:
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
then - try to place order, instead of simple "server error" you will see what and where doesn't work exactly
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Hi Vekia,


thank you for your help.


i did exactly what as you advised.


when i placed an order again, i got the following message :


Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/qmartcom/public_html/tools/swift/Swift/Message/Headers.php on line 426


another thing, i noticed that this problem happens only when i use a Google account (Gmail account). i tried using 2 different Gmail accounts, and got the same problem, when i used my Hotmail account or any other account, it works fine :)


thank you again for your kind support

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