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Help, attach a pdf file to the order confirmation email

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have already managed to attach a pdf file to the registration confirmation email with the following code:


email to verify (free module for customers to receive a confirmation link) I modified


				 if (!Mail::Send((int)$cookie->id_lang,
				Mail::l('Welcome!', (int)$cookie->id_lang),
				array('{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
				'{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
				'{email}' => $customer->email,
				'{passwd}' =>  Tools::getValue('passwd'),
				'{actlink}' => $actlink),
				$customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/')




			 $file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/terms_of_use.pdf'; // File name with no spaces no accents !!!
		    $fileAttachment['content'] = file_get_contents($file);
		    $fileAttachment['name'] = 'Terms Of Use.pdf'; // Name of attachement (no accents !!!)
		    $fileAttachment['mime'] = 'application/pdf'; // Mime type of attachement
		    if (!Mail::Send((int)$cookie->id_lang,
			    Mail::l('Welcome!', (int)$cookie->id_lang),
			    array('{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
			    '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
			    '{email}' => $customer->email,
			    '{passwd}' =>  Tools::getValue('passwd'),
			    '{actlink}' => $actlink),
			    $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, NULL, NULL, $fileAttachment, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/')


Let me know if you have ideas on how to attach the same pdf file to the order confirmation email, suggestions?


thanks and sorry for the bad English

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I added to the file mail.php (path yoursite \ classes \ mail.php) at line 270 or so, before the comment / * send email * /, this code:


if ($template == 'it/order_conf')
	    $file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/file_da_allegare.pdf';
	    $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(file_get_contents($file), 'file_da_allegare.pdf', 'application/pdf'));

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I added to the file mail.php (path yoursite \ classes \ mail.php) at line 270 or so, before the comment / * send email * /, this code:


if ($template == 'it/order_conf')
		    $file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/file_da_allegare.pdf';
		    $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(file_get_contents($file), 'file_da_allegare.pdf', 'application/pdf'));


Hi this workes great with some exceptions. The PDF is attached but with 0 KB and if i try to open it .


Any Ideas what this could be?


Greetz and Thank you!!

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I added to the file mail.php (path yoursite \ classes \ mail.php) at line 270 or so, before the comment / * send email * /, this code:


if ($template == 'it/order_conf')
		    $file = _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/file_da_allegare.pdf';
		    $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(file_get_contents($file), 'file_da_allegare.pdf', 'application/pdf'));




It does not work.


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  • 3 months later...

I can't get this to work (using Here is my code:

// Multiple attachments?
				if (!is_array(current($file_attachment)))
					$file_attachment = array($file_attachment);

				foreach ($file_attachment as $attachment)
					if (isset($attachment['content']) && isset($attachment['name']) && isset($attachment['mime']))
						$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment($attachment['content'], $attachment['name'], $attachment['mime']));
// Your terms of service pdf                    
$file_attachment['content'] = file_get_contents(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/dokumenti/file.pdf');
$file_attachment['name'] = 'file.pdf';
$file_attachment['mime'] = 'application/pdf';
			/* Send mail */

Does anything else must be Please help!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Patching core PrestaShop code is not the best approach. It can collide with other code or modules and you have to apply the patch again after every upgrade.


I suggest to use one PDF attachment (invoice) and add another page(s) to it. Alternatively, you can just put a link to a static PDF document to download.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello, I have a problem similar to the one above. My problem is that I need to add more than file in the email attachment, but I can not, I can upload the two attachments but I can not send it by email. My code is as follows:

for ($i=0; $i <count($_FILES['FILE']['name']); $i++) { if(!isset($_FILES['FILE'][$i]) or !($_FILES['FILE']['size'][$i] > 0)) { $this->_error .= $this->displayError($this->l('Invalid file')); } $explode = explode('.', $_FILES['FILE']['name'][$i]); $ext = end($explode); if(!in_array($ext, array('pdf','doc', 'docx', 'rar', 'zip')) ) { $this->_error .= $this->displayError($this->l('Invalid file extension')); } else { $tmpFilePath[$i] = $_FILES['FILE']['tmp_name'][$i]; if ($tmpFilePath != ""){ $newFilePath[$i] = dirname(__FILE__ ).'/import/' . $_FILES['FILE']['name'][$i]; if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath[$i], $newFilePath[$i])) { $file_name[$i] = $_FILES['FILE']['name'][$i]; $file_size[$i] = $_FILES['FILE']['size'][$i]; $tmp_name[$i] = $_FILES['FILE']['tmp_name'][$i]; $file_type[$i] = $_FILES['FILE']['type'][$i]; // attachment $handle = fopen($newFilePath[$i], "r"); $content = fread($handle, $file_size[$i]); fclose($handle); $content = $content; } } } } $sql1 = 'SELECT `envio_recibo` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'contabilidade_faturacao` WHERE `id_contabilidade_faturacao` ='.$id_contabilidade_faturacao; $value = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql1); foreach($value as $key => $res) {$envio_recibo = $res['envio_recibo'];} if($envio_recibo == 0) { $res = Mail::Send( $this->context->language->id, 'recibos', $subject, array('{message}' => $msg_html, $template_vars = false,), $to, $to_name, $from, $from_name, array('content' => $content, 'mime' => 'application/pdf', 'name' => $file_name[$i]), null, $this->local_path.'mails/', null, null, $bcc, null );



Do not call my texts because I am Portuguese and they are Portuguese. Can someone give me a hand?

Hello, I have a problem similar to the one above. My problem is that I need to add more than file in the email attachment, but I can not, I can upload the two attachments but I can not send it by email. My code is as follows: Can someone give me a hand?

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