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Does this exist in prestashop (front end user cropping)


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I have looking through the forum and in the add ons shop, but I did not come across it.

but maybe I am looking with the wrong terms.


I am looking for something like this:




That front end users are able to enter size en then select which part of the image will be used.


If it does not exist, is there anyone out there who could built this?



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yes i write an module to save my data into database and show in backoffice:



class SaveVariables extends Module

 public function __construct()
   $this->name = 'savevariables';
   $this->tab = 'Test';
   $this->version = 1.0;
   $this->author = 'ramin sarmadi';
   $this->need_instance = 0;


   $this->displayName = $this->l('savevariables');
   $this->description = $this->l('Save Variables on database');

 public function install()
   if (parent::install() == false OR !$this->registerHook('orderConfirmation') OR !$this->registerHook('adminOrder'))
  return false;
   return true;

   public function hookOrderConfirmation( $params )
   global $cookie;
   $id_order = $params['objOrder']->id;
   $x = $cookie->x;
   $y = $cookie->y;
   $w = $cookie->w;
   $h = $cookie->h;
   $wwr = $cookie->wwr;
   $hwr = $cookie->hwr;

$image_name = $_COOKIE["imagename"];
INSERT INTO `variables` (`id_order`, `image_name`, `x`, `y`, `w`, `h`, `wwr`, `hwr`)
VALUES ('$id_order', '$image_name', '$x', '$y', '$w', '$h', '$wwr', '$hwr')

INSERT INTO `variables` (`id_order`, `image_name`, `x`, `y`, `w`, `h`, `wwr`, `hwr`)
VALUES ('$id_order', 'imagenotexist', '$x', '$y', '$w', '$h', '$wwr', '$hwr')


 public function hookAdminOrder( $params )
 global $smarty;
 global $base_dir;

   $id_order = $params['id_order'];
   $variabels = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM `variables` WHERE `id_order` = '$id_order'");

   'x' => $variabels[0]['x'],
   'y' => $variabels[0]['y'],
   'h' => $variabels[0]['h'],
   'w' => $variabels[0]['w'],
   'wwr' => $variabels[0]['wwr'],
   'hwr' => $variabels[0]['hwr'],
   'imagename' => $variabels[0]['image_name']

   $filename = $variabels[0]['image_name'];

$uploadaddress =  "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __PS_BASE_URI__ . "upload/php/files/thumbnail/" . $filename;
$smarty->assign('uploadaddress', $uploadaddress);

 return $this->display(__FILE__, 'savevariables.tpl');


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I hope someone can give me a little push in the right direction. First time I ever did this and it is not completely clear to me.


I have put the code in a php doc with

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))

on top.


Modules recognizes it, but of course it can only be installed. I am unsure what to do next, because i can not find it anywhere and do not know how or where to implement it.

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Well, I can see it in my modules, can install it...

It is hooked in 'adminOrder' and 'orderConfirmation' as supposed to.


But i just cannot find it in the front end. Or in the backend with the product/or orders (made a testorder). So I am unsure how to properly implement it.

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it's because module, that you created is only for back offie (for save information in database)

all other stuff related to the front office you have to create manually... the main problem is fact, that we don't know how he created it ;)

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