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Price changed upward in cart for specials w/Local tax


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Hello fellow entrepreneurs and friends!



Nevada resident, tax 8.1%, PS 1.4.10, site in test mode with Paypal sandbox,



I am having a problem with items that are in my specials block that have reduced prices. The problem is when a Nevada resident adds a reduced item to the cart, the price is correct. But when they checkout as a guest and input their info, and click (save). The tax line is calculated correctly but the discounted price at $49.95 jumps to $50.47 up $.52cents. Every reduced priced item goes up different amounts but they all change prices.


This only happens to the reduced priced items. All the regular priced items configure correctly. Now when i refresh the page or reopen the page again, the specials items prices have adjusted upward to the incorrect price. But the Back office shows the correct price. What is causing this to happen?




products in this category- base price $56.95 final price $49.95


pretax wholesale price 0

pretax retail price $56.95

tax rule US-NV 8.1%

unit price with out tax 0

final retail price $56.96



current special pricing-

price $56.95 reduction $7.00 final price $49.95



Sales-taxes US-NV 8.1%


Tax rules-

US-NV Rate (8.1%)


Tax rules-united states-

Sales-taxes US-NV 8.1% - Apply state tax only


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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