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Error PS "Property Tab->name is empty" when importing a language

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I have upgraded my PS in two steps.


Firt step from to 1.4.11 and the second one from 1.4.11 to


The upgrading process finished without any problem and when I was trying to import a new language into the version the program finished with this error " Property Tab->name is empty "


How can fix it ?.


Thanks in advance,


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Hi Nemo1,


I have tried your suggestion localization->localization and then Import a localization pack->languages (unchecking the others options) and the result is this error message:



Property Tab->name is empty

at line 874 in file classes/ObjectModel.php


869. $message = $this->validateField($field, $value, $id_lang);

870. if ($message !== true)

871. {

872. if ($die)

873. throw new PrestaShopException($message);

874. return $error_return ? $message : false;

875. }

876. }

877. }


I am not a programmer so I do not undertand the error, and I hope there is enough information for you to identify the problem.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everybody, I had the same problem today.

When giving the name of the tab, make sure it's this way :

                  foreach(Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang){
                          $tab->name[(int) $lang['id_lang']] = $tabName;

or true for only active languages.

Most probably you used to make it this way :    $tab->name = $tabName;



Hope this helps! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody, I had the same problem today.

When giving the name of the tab, make sure it's this way :

                  foreach(Language::getLanguages(false) as $lang){

                          $tab->name[(int) $lang['id_lang']] = $tabName;


or true for only active languages.

Most probably you used to make it this way :    $tab->name = $tabName;



Hope this helps! :)

I'm having the same error when importing a new language.

Where should i change this? In my costum modules?


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I had the same error. Maybe due to a bug during the upgrade process (My shop was upgraded from 1.3) there are empty values in the table ps_tab_lang.


Just search:

SELECT * FROM `ps_tab_lang` where name = NULL OR name = ""

You can correct it by adding some text:

UPDATE `ps_tab_lang` SET name = "CHANGEME" where name = NULL OR name = ""


Edited by creacion (see edit history)
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