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I am having a problem configuring PreastaShop Multishop to work with multiple domains.


What I am trying to achieve


I have one main shop, say "shopmain.com" - these are fictitious URL's for the purpose of explanation only


And I want to run a number of other shops using PrestaShop's Multishop functions, each with a sub set of shopmain.com's inventary. These shops are say "shopA.com" and "shopB.co.uk" etc...


The first problem


The fist problem that I have encountered is that when I try to set this scenario up in the admin of mainshop.com I get an error saying that mod_rewrite is not set up on the server. I have now tried this with two different hosting companies and in both cases I get the same problem. At the moment we are looking at trying to recreate or change the .htaccess and here is what my hosting company say:

Mod_rewrite is available on the server by default. Rewrite rules are allowed to be used in your .htaccess files. I am showing that you .htaccess file only contains a line to set the path to php.ini.


The real problem - What is the mutishop function supposed to do


Faced with this problem we are looking for a solution. I have spent hours and hours looking at various forum posts and it seems to me that most of the answers and really work arounds. The one thing that is really missing is a good conceptual view of what the functionality in Multishop is supposed to do in relation to set up the shops to be accessible from each shop's domain when its set and what I have to do myself or ask my hosting company to do. This is really the task of the authors of Multishop, otherwise we are each going to implement our own work arounds which will create a lot of problems down the line. Moreover, as Multishop is one of the main unique differences PrestaShop has over its rivals surely it is in PrestaShop's interests to do this.


So what should I do now


For now can someone advise me on how I get the Multishop function working. My understanding is that the steps are:

1. Park the domains of the sub stores with the domain of the main shop

2. Alter the .htaccess file - although I do not know what code to use to alter it.


Is this correct, and can anyone furnish more detail, like the code to alter the .htaccess file and if there are any additional steps?

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Hi Nick and El Patron,


I have parked the domains of the sub stores with the main store domain.


I have also used your tutorial Nick to successfully set up a satellite store.


eg www.mainstore.com and www.mainstore.com/sat1


So that part is ok.


However, when I add a sub store with a new domain name such as www.substore.com it just diverts to www.mainstore.com


Can anyone help with getting www.substore.com working?

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I also want to know how two store with different domains.


The tutorial that "Teapot Creative" indicates is the best appoach i've found how to do it, but remains without answer the question if it is possible to put the two domains in the same group.


Hoping not to run away from the matter of problem that Atomic has put, i would like to have answers to these questions:


Is possible to share customers between 2 shops with differents domains (Ex. Domain1.com and domain2.com) ?

If so is this achieved putting the two domains in the same group, using htaccess to mask domain1.com/shop2 with domain2.com? (how?) or some kind of configuration on server. Note that I don't want the users knows that this domain has anything to do with domain1, so redirect is out of question.


Also i would like to know how the product catalog is shared between two shops with different domains like indicated at the tutorial. Where stays the images?





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A question about this multistore option:


Does it enable me to create an administrator, who manages his own website from my backoffice. So that administrator would have only acces to 1 particular substore and all other permissions I allow?

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Maybe I can provide some answer. If I'm wrong, that means I'm learning. If I'm right, it means I learned. ;)


 Is possible to share customers between 2 shops with differents domains (Ex. Domain1.com and domain2.com) ?

If so is this achieved putting the two domains in the same group, using htaccess to mask domain1.com/shop2 with domain2.com? (how?) or some kind of configuration on server. Note that I don't want the users knows that this domain has anything to do with domain1, so redirect is out of question.


Also i would like to know how the product catalog is shared between two shops with different domains like indicated at the tutorial. Where stays the images?


Yes it is possible to share customers between 2 shops with different domains. Only, once you activated this function, you can't deactivate it. If I understand correctly, customers have same login credentials in multiple sites, but only see purchase history of the site they are on.


Reading the multistore functions, it is developed to share the backoffice, without frond end user having to know. So it is probably working with alias, not redirect.


Being managed in one backoffice of the main webshop, images will most likely stay in the main domain. Alias can probably also be automated for images.

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