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bueno la verdad anoche estaba bien la web y hoy me levante y cuando reviso la web ahorita veo el problema de la web en la parte superior



de alli hacia abajo se ve bien pero noc que paso alli eso amanecio asi hoy espero puedan ayudarme gracias

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* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
*  @license	http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class Tools extends ToolsCore
/** @var _totalServerCount Total count of all servers */
/** @var _servers Array containing all the media servers by type */
/** @var _serversCount Array countaining the count of servers by type */
/** @var _fileTypes Available file types */
/** @var _activatedModule Flag weither or not the module is active */

/** @var _isActive Flag to know if the module is active or note */

 * @brief Init the statics needed by getMediaServer
 * @brief Temper with JS files
 * @param js_uri URI of the JS
 * @note 1.4 only
 * @brief Temper with CSS files
 * @param css_uri URI of the CSS
 * @param css_media_type Type of the css
 * @note 1.4 only
 * @brief Retrieve the media server to use
 * @param filename Name of the file to serve (acually, part of the path)
 * @todo Check performences
 * @return URL of the server to use.
/** @var _totalServerCount Total count of all servers */
private static $_totalServerCount = 0;
/** @var _servers Array containing all the media servers by type */
private static $_servers = null;
/** @var _serversCount Array countaining the count of servers by type */
private static $_serversCount = null;
/** @var _fileTypes Available file types */
private static $_fileTypes = null;
/** @var _activatedModule Flag weither or not the module is active */
private static $_activatedModule = false;
public static $id_shop_group = 1;
public static $id_shop = 1;
/** @var _isActive Flag to know if the module is active or note */
public static $_isActive = -1;
private static function _selectProtocol(&$url)
 $useSSL = (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Tools::usingSecureMode());
 if (preg_match('#(.*)\.'.Configuration::get('CLOUDCACHE_API_COMPANY_ID').'\.netdna-cdn.com$#', $url, $matches) && $useSSL)
  $url = $matches[1].'-'.Configuration::get('CLOUDCACHE_API_COMPANY_ID').'.netdna-ssl.com';
 return $useSSL ? 'https://' : 'http://';
 * @brief Init the statics needed by getMediaServer
private static function _initServers()
 $context = Context::getContext();
 self::$id_shop = $context->shop->id;
 self::$id_shop_group = $context->shop->id_shop_group;
 // Init the statics
 self::$_servers = array();
 self::$_serversCount = array();
 // check if the module is active
 self::$_activatedModule = Configuration::get('CLOUDCACHE_API_ACTIVE');
 foreach (self::$_fileTypes as $type)
  self::$_servers[$type] = array();
  self::$_serversCount[$type] = 0;
 $d = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `cdn_url`, `file_type`
	 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cloudcache_zone`
	 WHERE `file_type` != \''.CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_UNASSOCIATED.'\' AND `id_shop` = '.(int)self::$id_shop);
 $allOnly = false;
 foreach ($d as $line)
  if ($line['file_type'] == CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_ALL)
$protocol = self::_selectProtocol($line['cdn_url']); // Must be there because _SelectProtocol updates the url
self::$_servers[CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_ALL][] = array('url' => $line['cdn_url'], 'protocol' => $protocol);
$allOnly = true;
 foreach ($d as $line)
  if ($line['file_type'] && !$allOnly)
$protocol = self::_selectProtocol($line['cdn_url']); // Must be there because _SelectProtocol updates the url
self::$_servers[$line['file_type']][] = array('url' => $line['cdn_url'], 'protocol' => $protocol);
 * @brief Temper with JS files
 * @param js_uri URI of the JS
 * @note 1.4 only
public static function addJS($js_uri)
 if (!self::_isActive())
  return ;
 global $js_files;
 foreach ($js_files as &$file)
  if (!preg_match('/^http(s?):\/\//i', $file))
$proto = 'http://';
$file = self::getMediaServer($file, $proto).$file;
$file = $proto.$file;
 * @brief Temper with CSS files
 * @param css_uri URI of the CSS
 * @param css_media_type Type of the css
 * @note 1.4 only
public static function addCSS($css_uri, $css_media_type = 'all')
 parent::addCSS($css_uri, $css_media_type);
 if (!self::_isActive())
  return ;
 global $css_files;
 $new = array();
 foreach ($css_files as $key => $file)
  if (!preg_match('/^http(s?):\/\//i', $key))
$proto = 'http://';
$key = self::getMediaServer($key, $proto).$key; // Pass as reference, do not move $proto
$key = $proto.$key;
  $new[$key] = $file;
 $css_files = $new;
public static function getProtocol($use_ssl = null)
 if (self::_isActive())
  return (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && self::usingSecureMode()) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
 return parent::getProtocol($use_ssl);
private static function _isActive()
 if (self::$_isActive == -1)
  // This override is part of the cloudcache module, so the cloudcache.php file exists
  $module = new CloudCache();
  self::$_isActive = $module->active;
 return self::$_isActive;
 * @brief Retrieve the media server to use
 * @param filename Name of the file to serve (acually, part of the path)
 * @todo Check performences
 * @return URL of the server to use.
public static function getMediaServer($filename, &$protocol = NULL)
 if (!self::_isActive())
  return parent::getMediaServer($filename);
 // Init the server list if needed
 if (!self::$_servers)
 if (!self::$_activatedModule)
  return parent::getMediaServer($filename);

 // If there is a least one ALL server, then use one of them
 if (self::$_serversCount[CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_ALL])
  $server = self::$_servers[CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_ALL][(abs(crc32($filename)) %
  if ($protocol)
$protocol = $server['protocol'];
  return $server['url'];

 // If there is servers, then use them
 if (self::$_totalServerCount)
  // Loop on the file types to find the current one
  foreach (self::$_fileTypes as $type)
// If we find the type in the filename, then it is our
if (strstr($filename, $type) && self::$_serversCount[$type])
 // Return one of those server
 $server = (self::$_servers[$type][(abs(crc32($filename)) %
 if ($protocol)
  $protocol = $server['protocol'];
 return $server['url'];
  // If no file type found, then it is 'other'
  // If there is server setted for the 'other' type, use it
  if (self::$_serversCount[CLOUDCACHE_FILE_TYPE_OTHER])
// Return one of the server setted up
$server = (self::$_servers[$type][(abs(crc32($filename)) %
if ($protocol)
 $protocol = $server['protocol'];
return $server['url'];
 // If there is no server setted up, then use the parent method
 return parent::getMediaServer($filename);




eso es lo que hay dentro del codigo

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