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Estou tentando efetuar a atualização da minha loja que esta em 1.4.1 para mais estou recebendo erros. Já tentei atualizar via modulo e manual mais sempre da erro. Já tentei atualizar para outras versões como 1.4.10 e 1.5.0 mais todas da o mesmo erro.


Alguém consegue me ajudar?


[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__order_detail` SET `product_price` = `product_price` /( 1-(`group_reduction`/100)): Unknown column 'group_reduction' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__store` CHANGE `latitude` `latitude` DECIMAL(10, NULL DEFAULT NULL: Table 'multivideo.ps3__store' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__store` CHANGE `longitude` `longitude` DECIMAL(10, NULL DEFAULT NULL: Table 'multivideo.ps3__store' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps3__hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES ('attributeGroupForm', 'Add fields to the form "attribute group"', 'Add fields to the form "attribute group"', 0, 0), ('afterSaveAttributeGroup', 'On saving attribute group', 'On saving attribute group', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteAttributeGroup', 'On deleting attribute group', 'On deleting "attribute group', 0, 0), ('featureForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature"', 'Add fields to the form "feature"', 0, 0), ('afterSaveFeature', 'On saving attribute feature', 'On saving attribute feature', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteFeature', 'On deleting attribute feature', 'On deleting attribute feature', 0, 0), ('afterSaveProduct', 'On saving products', 'On saving products', 0, 0), ('productListAssign', 'Assign product list to a category', 'Assign product list to a category', 0, 0), ('postProcessAttributeGroup', 'On post-process in admin attribute group', 'On post-process in admin attribute group', 0, 0), ('postProcessFeature', 'On post-process in admin feature', 'On post-process in admin feature', 0, 0), ('featureValueForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 0, 0), ('postProcessFeatureValue', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteFeatureValue', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('afterSaveFeatureValue', 'On saving attribute feature value', 'On saving attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('attributeForm', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 'Add fields to the form "feature value"', 0, 0), ('postProcessAttribute', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 'On post-process in admin feature value', 0, 0), ('afterDeleteAttribute', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 'On deleting attribute feature value', 0, 0), ('afterSaveAttribute', 'On saving attribute feature value', 'On saving attribute feature value', 0, 0): Unknown column 'live_edit' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__employee` ADD `bo_show_screencast` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `bo_uimode`: Unknown column 'bo_uimode' in 'ps3__employee'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__lang` ADD `date_format_lite` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y-m-d' AFTER language_code: Unknown column 'language_code' in 'ps3__lang'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__lang` ADD `date_format_full` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y-m-d H:i:s' AFTER date_format_lite: Unknown column 'date_format_lite' in 'ps3__lang'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'd/m/Y' WHERE `iso_code` IN ('fr', 'es', 'it'): Unknown column 'date_format_lite' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'd/m/Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` IN ('fr', 'es', 'it'): Unknown column 'date_format_full' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'd.m.Y' WHERE `iso_code` = 'de': Unknown column 'date_format_lite' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'd.m.Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` = 'de': Unknown column 'date_format_full' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_lite` = 'm/d/Y' WHERE `iso_code` = 'en': Unknown column 'date_format_lite' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__lang` SET `date_format_full` = 'm/d/Y H:i:s' WHERE `iso_code` = 'en': Unknown column 'date_format_full' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER IGNORE TABLE `ps3__specific_price_priority` ADD UNIQUE (`id_product`): Table 'multivideo.ps3__specific_price_priority' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__compare_product` DROP `id_compare_product` , DROP `id_guest` , DROP `id_customer`: Table 'multivideo.ps3__compare_product' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__compare_product` ADD `id_compare` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`id_compare`, `id_product`): Table 'multivideo.ps3__compare_product' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__store` CHANGE `latitude` `latitude` DECIMAL(11, NULL DEFAULT NULL: Table 'multivideo.ps3__store' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__store` CHANGE `longitude` `longitude` DECIMAL(11, NULL DEFAULT NULL: Table 'multivideo.ps3__store' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__address_format` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_country`): Table 'multivideo.ps3__address_format' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__address_format` DROP INDEX `country`: Table 'multivideo.ps3__address_format' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps3__hook` (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`, `live_edit`) VALUES ('frontCanonicalRedirect', 'Front Canonical Redirect', 'Check for 404 errors before canonical redirects', 0, 0): Unknown column 'live_edit' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__category_product` DROP INDEX `category_product_index`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_category`, `id_product`): Can't DROP 'category_product_index'; check that column/key exists

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__cms_category_lang` DROP INDEX `category_lang_index`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_category`, `id_lang`): Table 'multivideo.ps3__cms_category_lang' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__order_tax` ADD `id_order_tax` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST: Duplicate column name 'id_order_tax'

[ERROR] SQL 1072 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__category` ADD INDEX nleftrightactive (`nleft`, `nright`, `active`): Key column 'nleft' doesn't exist in table

[ERROR] SQL 1072 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__category` ADD INDEX nright (`nright`): Key column 'nright' doesn't exist in table

[ERROR] SQL 1072 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__category` ADD INDEX nleft (`nleft`): Key column 'nleft' doesn't exist in table

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__specific_price` ADD INDEX from_quantity (`from_quantity`): Table 'multivideo.ps3__specific_price' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps3__country` SET `zip_code_format` = 'NNNNN' WHERE `iso_code` = 'MC' LIMIT 1: Unknown column 'zip_code_format' in 'field list'

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in UPDATE `ps3__county_zip_code` SET `to_zip_code` = `from_zip_code` WHERE `to_zip_code` = 0: Table 'multivideo.ps3__county_zip_code' doesn't exist

[ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps3__county_zip_code` CHANGE `from_zip_code` `from_zip_code` VARCHAR( 12 ) NOT NULL , CHANGE `to_zip_code` `to_zip_code` VARCHAR( 12 ) NOT NULL: Table 'multivideo.ps3__county_zip_code' doesn't exist

Warning detected during upgrade.

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Eu exclui todos os módulos, e tentei fazer a atualização. Mas mesmo assim esta dando erro. No final da atualização o sistema não funciona corretamente e um alerta no final da atualizações é exibindo pedindo para restaurar para a versão anterior.

Edited by tiagoandre (see edit history)
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