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[SOLVED]Changing position of text in categories

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I would like to change my category block in such a way that child category will be displayed slightly shifted to the right, comparing to the parent.


In the attachment no.1 is actual look. In attachment 2 is what I would like to do. Someone can help me with this?


Website: proconstruction.eu/en


Css responsible for blockcategories.tpl:

div#categories_block_left div.block_content {padding:0 0 3px 0;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree {padding:;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li {padding:2px 0 0 0;background:url(../img/categ_item.png) 0 0 repeat-x;position:relative;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree > li:first-child {padding:1px 0 0 0;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree a {width:185px;height:23px;display:block;padding:9px 0 0 35px;background:url(../img/categ_item_bullet.gif) 0 13px no-repeat;font-weight:bold;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree a:hover,
div#categories_block_left ul.tree a.selected {background:url(../img/categ_item_bullet_active.gif) 0 13px no-repeat;color:#333;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li ul {zoom:1;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li ul li a {background:none;font-weight:normal;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li ul li a:hover,
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li ul li a.selected {background:none;}
div#categories_block_left ul.tree li ul li a.selected {font-weight:bold;}
div#categories_block_left span.grower {width:15px;height:12px;display:block;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;right:9px;top:13px;}
div#categories_block_left span.OPEN {background:url(../img/categ_asc.gif) 3px 3px no-repeat;}
div#categories_block_left span.CLOSE {background:url(../img/categ_desc.gif) 3px 3px no-repeat;}



Edited by polemnik (see edit history)
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No :( it is actual look. I want child category to be shifted to the right, and again with the child of the child.


Czyżbyś był Polakiem? :) To jest aktualny wygląd strony, chcę by każda podkategoria była przesunięta w prawo o kilka px..

Edited by polemnik (see edit history)
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zgadza się, pozwolę sobie jednak kontynuować po angielsku ( ze względu na fakt, że wątek jest na angielskim forum )




after line 470px in global.css add this:

div#categories_block_left ul.tree li {padding-left:10px;}


will work ;)

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