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AppleStore Theme unable to install

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I have Prestashop version, and recently I bought the AppleStore Theme (said to be compatible with

Came with an instruction how to install: upload via FTP into the root of Prestashop installation. Which I did - at least I hope I have done it correctly: I admit I am not a computer/internet expert: The modules are under modules, and they work. The theme is in the folder "theme", above default, but it does not work properly. You will see it on my homepage: www.khuansplants.co.nz

(I know I have to adjust/relocate the different modules, and adjust the size of pictures - but I will do this once I am sure the theme works).

I also tried to upload with the inbuilt module uploader. Result:

Fatal error[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module Cookie:

Use of undefined constant _RIJNDAEL_IV_ - assumed '_RIJNDAEL_IV_'


I have contacted both Prestashop and the developer, but did not get any response.

I would be very happy if I could run my shop soon, therefore I would be more than happy about any help!!!!!


Thanks a lot,


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OK I see that tpl files are in correct place but css files are not there so check if folders in theme exists.

So folders like css, js,img should be in path themes/appstore/css, themes/appstore/js ..

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Hi Razaro,



I do not know how I uploaded the incomplete file.

Now I uploaded the whole thing, and it works.

I am really happy now, as I can start working on my shop.

Thank you very very much for your help!!!!


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