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managment of stock product


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Instead of displaying the numpber of product available I would like to display some lights of coulour for informing the custommer availibility. In fact I think it is better to display "In stock", than 3 products left.


So I started to edit the .tpl, but I really do not know what need to be chnaged in order to works.


So here is the part interesting :

<!-- availability -->
  <p id="availability_statut"{if ($product->quantity <= 0 && !$product->available_later && $allow_oosp) OR ($product->quantity > 0 && !$product->available_now) OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
<span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>
<span id="availability_value"{if $product->quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}>{if $product->quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product->available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product->available_now}{/if}</span>  
  <p id="availability_date"{if ($product->quantity > 0) OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE OR !isset($product->available_date) OR $product->available_date < $smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d'} style="display: none;"{/if}>
<span id="availability_date_label">{l s='Availability date:'}</span>
<span id="availability_date_value">{dateFormat date=$product->available_date full=false}</span>
  <!-- number of item in stock -->


I would like to add, this picture if quantity equal zero or less, <img src=\'images/red.gif\' title=\'Produit hors stock\'>


this one if between 0 and 5 <img src=\'images/orange.gif\' title=\'Attention, dernières pièces disponibles\'>

and this one if upper than 5 <img src=\'images/green.gif\' title=\'Produit en stock\'>


Anykind of help will be much appreciated.


Kind regards

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j'ai fais cela :

{if $product->quantity == 0}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/red.gif' title='Produit en rupture de stock'> Produit en rupture de stock</span>{/if}
	    {if $product->quantity >= 1 AND $product->quantity <=5}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/orange.gif' title='Attention : Dernières quantités disponible'> Attention : Dernières quantités disponible</span>{/if}
    {if $product->quantity > 5}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/green.gif' title='Produit en Stock'> Produit en stock</span>{/if}


I've done this code but it does not work when we have some declination of products.

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Thanks for your reply,


I've done that


{if $product->quantity == 0}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/red.gif' title='Produit en rupture de stock'> Produit en rupture de stock</span>{/if}
			    {if $product->quantity >= 1 AND $product->quantity <=5}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/orange.gif' title='Attention : Dernières quantités disponible'> Attention : Dernières quantités disponible</span>{/if}
	    {if $product->quantity > 5}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/green.gif' title='Produit en Stock'> Produit en stock</span>{/if}


the trouble is that it does not take in count the declination

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I've also tried this but it does not work, the reuslt is the same for each declination


{if $product->checkQty($this->id) == 0}<span><img src='images/red.gif' title='Produit en rupture de stock'> Produit en rupture de stock</span>{/if}
  {if $product->checkQty($this->id) >= 1 AND $product->checkQty($this->id) <=5}<span><img src='images/orange.gif' title='Attention : Dernières quantités disponible'> Attention : Dernières quantités disponible</span>{/if}
  {if $product->checkQty($this->id) > 5}<span><img src='images/green.gif' title='Produit en Stock'> Produit en stock</span>{/if}

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thanks! it's really helpful!


you've got there quantity field:


[quantity] => 6


so the method:

{if $product->quantity > 5}<span   id="quantityAvailableTxt"><img src='images/green.gif' title='Produit en Stock'> Produit en stock</span>{/if}


should work well :/



when you use this code, what you've got? nothing?

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in fact I've done that code

{if $product->quantity == 0}<span><img src='images/red.gif' title='Produit en rupture de stock'> Produit en rupture de stock</span>{/if}
  {if $product->quantity >= 1 AND $product->quantity <=5}<span><img src='images/orange.gif' title='Attention : Dernières quantités disponible'> Attention : Dernières quantités disponible</span>{/if}
  {if $product->quantity > 5}<span><img src='images/green.gif' title='Produit en Stock'> Produit en stock</span>{/if}


but when I choose a declination which has 0 productsq in stock it still display in stock.

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so, when quantity = 0

you've got two messages?


{if $product->quantity == 0}<span><img src='images/red.gif' title='Produit en rupture de stock'> Produit en rupture de stock</span>{/if}
  {if $product->quantity >= 1 AND $product->quantity <=5}<span><img src='images/orange.gif' title='Attention : Dernières quantités disponible'> Attention : Dernières quantités disponible</span>{/if}


am i right?

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if equal to zero I have no products


if quantity between 0 and 5 warning : last products in stock


when it is upper to 5 product available in stock


the trouble is when, please have a look there




when you choose chocolate the button add to cart is not display cause no stock, and the message is still the same as if the product was in stock


when you choose vanilla in declination product in stock and button for add to cart is there.


I mean, the button should change for each declination, but not. it is not displayed correctly

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I bought a module but I've been screwed. In fact it does not manage the stock. This module is called rsi stock I bought it for almost 50€ I asked for reimbursment but they did not reply.


Please have a look : http://omega-nutrition.fr/nitrotech-peformance-series-muscletech-proteines-isolat-49.html#/nitrotech_performance_series_18kg-chocolat it is down below near the battery stock.

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it's because when you change attribute - AJAX sends query to the database, and retrieve informations about stock. It's hard to achieve this for external modules...


i will try to debug it (with defalt product.tpl file and scripts)

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