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Can you test my site ?

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Hi Everyone


I am nearly finished tweaking my site and I was wondering if anyone could test it for me and give me your thoughts.


I am still populating categories and products but theres plenty to go with so any feedback now would be really helpful.


My site is www.theofferhut.com




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1) nice slider, but how to change slides? prev / next button missed

2) social buttons from footer doesnt work: http://i.imgur.com/sHfSw4r.png

3) logo backgrund is different that page background: http://i.imgur.com/k3X4tCV.png

4) when im trying to add something to cart - the cart shows empty: http://i.imgur.com/hRRuy11.png (add to cart doesnt work at all)



design looks great, i really like it - clean and simple - good job!

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Thanks Vekia


To answer your points :

  • I disabled the change the slider buttons as I didnt like them but I will put them back on and try it.
  • Social buttons should be ok now as I have added facebook and twitter
  • Logo is being redesigned so will make sure its transparent
  • Adding to cart - thats a weird one as I had a similar problem but found it to be the laptop i was using, moved to another laptop and it worked ok - do you think its something to do with the javascript ?

Thanks again for your feedback.

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Yes, cache is a common issue when website is in "development", so it's better to turn it off when we changing our template / sources of prestashop.


btw. you use default module for top horizontal menu ?

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