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Bug with "default" Prestashop theme

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Hi, I have a problem with "default" Prestashop theme, sometimes the content is misplaced and I don't know why.


My shop is http://www.gsmliberar.com and in this URL works all perfect, it's the "default" theme and I didn't change anything extrange (it fails from the begin).


When I install some modules it's misplaced. I thought it was a problem with this module but it happens with lot of modules and other users haven't got this problem, so it's a bug in my theme.


For example, it happens with Credit Card Offline Payments and PrestaFAQ. Both have one thing in common: are loading a .php file into a subdirectory. For PrestaFAQ when I have the site misplaced, it's loading dominiodelatienda/modules/faqs.php and in Credit Card Offline Payments it's something similar. However, other modules that aren't open a file into a subdirectory it doesn't happen..


Now I'm trying to add a Wordpress blog to my shop and the same happens. In this case, it's loading an index.php file into dominiodelatienda/blog, so it's a subdirectoy and it's misplaced again. You can see the bug here: http://www.gsmliberar.com/blog/



Why I'm having this problem? How can I fix it?



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if those modules load subpages that way, it means they are not fully compatible with prestashop 1.5. Presta 1.5 uses a controller driven system for creating new pages associate4d with modules. THerefore, you have to ask the developers if any more recent version of those modules are available. Otherwise, you'll need to have somebody upgrade them manually one by one (or try some temporary, but not recommended, adaptation of that system)

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