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[SOLVED] multistore products

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I have spent quite some time creating a multistore site using, I have just noticed that my [spam-filter] when creating around 100 products has not enabled them upon creation to be on all 3 stores.


How can I enable these products to be on all 3 stores instead of just 1? There is no checkbox like on the category associations.


If I click duplicate product it just duplicates it onto the same store....


Please help! :)





Edited by HowHard (see edit history)
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In your Multistore page, click on the store you want to show the items in, select "Edit this shop" and select the category these items belong in. When you select the category with the desired items, these items will then display in that store.


Just do the same for each store you want the items to display in.

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unfortunately that only works upon creating a new store, these products were added after the stores were created and the silly bugger only had the 1st store selected when doing so. I have tried as you said already (and tried again in case I missed something) and it doesn't work.


Thanks anyway!

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I don't have my test installation here but the procedure goes like, open store lets say A where the product is, than change to store view B and save the product ... best way is save and stay, than you have to attach the prodcut picture again or enable it for store view B otherwise the product migth not appear.

I hope you get the point... be happy to use the latest version because before that the procedure was even more annoying not to say impossible without reuploading a product picture.

Good luck, trip

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Sorry the first chapter might be unclear. I meant open the product in store A ... than change the view to e.g. store B and save the product... use the "save and stay" button as you have to change the picure association after that to store B too.

I hope this is clearer.

All the best, trip

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Thanks Trip, I understand what you mean.


However I've managed to find an easier way, select "All shops", and then click duplicate on the product, this creates a copy of the product on all 3 stores with the images. I then just enable it on each store and delete the original product.


Thanks guys,


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Hi HowHard,

your approach is interesting but as I already have so many products I think I am better with my approach. Good to know that this is possible but people with already running stores should also consider the products id's are changing and therefore all SEO urls will become invalid.

Best regards, trip

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