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Theming Module (bank-wire, cheque, etc.) Output

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Hello all,


I'm interested in theming the output from modules such as check payments, wire transfers, and PayPal. I can't seem to find template files for this output anywhere, and I need to theme it. Can someone tell me where this is?


I'm trying to achieve a theme like this: post-512243-0-26893600-1368314071_thumb.png


But the current output looks like this for check payments, wire transfers, PayPal errors, etc: post-512243-0-72367900-1368314109_thumb.png



Kyle Marlin

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You need to copy the hook templates from those modules' folders inside your theme's folder.


An example:




You must copy it into



themes/themename/modules/bankwire. No subfolder. Then, you can safely change it without worries. Of course, if you want you can change the first file directly, but it's not recommended

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