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[SOLVED]"Payment by cheque" option as Order Confirmation


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Hi there,


in my business i'm not always sure if a product is really available (because it can be sold on my physical store), so there's a big chance that the client has to wait a bit longer for the product after paying for it.


To avoid that, i thought in changing the Payment option (payment by cheque) to a Confirmation option, where the client confirms the purchase.

After that, we'll send an email confirming stock and providing the payment options.


My question is how to add to the "Payment by Cheque" option the same link as the "Confirm my order button", in other words, i want this to be the last step, confirming the order.



Example picture: http://d.pr/i/NlTW




Edited by CSilva (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I added the button "confirm my order" with the code i found on payment_execution.tpl


<p class="cart_navigation">
 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{l s='Confirmar Encomenda' mod='cheque'}" class="exclusive_large" style="float:left;margin-left:95px;" />


Now it works ok, i only need to make some adjustments with the "payment method" on orders history, so the option cheque doesn't appear!


Hope this can be usefull to someone! ;-)...

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