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Product images in blockcart!

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So i try to add product images into blockcart in header.

I added in blockcart.tpl this:

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'small_default')}" position="left" title="{$product.name|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'|truncate:35}"/>


Its kinda working, beacuse when i add stuff to cart it doesnt show cart, but when i refresh page it starts showing.


When adding to cart (not refreshing page):



After refreshing:





How can i fix that its automaticly images and no need to refresh page?


How can i fix so it looks better, im currently using "position: left" else it would be even more messed up?

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You need to add it in the ajax-cart.js file as well, as the html of the product you added is created on the fly by javascript


cheers :)


Writing a short tip about this, i'll try to publish it today

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You need to add it in the ajax-cart.js file as well, as the html of the product you added is created on the fly by javascript


cheers :)


Writing a short tip about this, i'll try to publish it today


I was sure it was somehing like that, but since im really bad with javascript i hopes its not :/

Thank you, i will wait for you tip and hope it can help me! :)


btw, how can i fix the layout, since its kinda messed up :)?

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I didn't dive into that since I just wrote a quick tip. I would suggest a complete rewrite of it, as I don't like the dt/dd thing there


Ohh ok, what you mean with "dt/dd" i found this code in the forum and used it, what should i write in .js file? :)

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