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review a test our new watch shop


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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


Really great homepage with a very clear front banner. Could you put less text on some of those homepage images?


Also, regarding body text, the size is a little small (especially what's under the homepage carousel). It might prevent visitors from reading clearly. It's also more obvious in text-heavy pages such as the Why Us page. There's a lot of important information on these pages but could potentially benefit from being split into shorter, less text-heavy subpages.


Hope this helps!


- Priscilla @ Lexity

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i totally agree, nice idea with menu (btw. what module you use?)

product page clean and with high usability.

cart and whole order process also clean and visible


the only one suggestion:

when you're in the cart - and when you try to search something, you've got result like this:



my rate: 10/10

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