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blockcart showing every item twice and removing shipping costs in blockcart

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we purchased a theme and installed it over on a new shop.

We adapted everything and it went everything ok so far, except some issues:

try to put some articles in the cart: www.3faltapo.at/2013


First of all it should show the price and a button to delete this item in the blockcart. But you can see only the name.

If you reload the entire page, the price and delete button show up, BUT there are two lines for each product, one with price and delete button and one with only the name of the product. We would like to show only the line with price & delete button.


I tried adapting the blockcart.tpl of the theme, but I can't figure it out.

Could you give me some advice how I could get this fixed?


And the second issue: the shipping costs do not update correctly in the blockcart, so we'd like to remove them completely from the blockcart.

Just disabling them isn't a solution, because they sometimes get added to the total price. They shouldn't be added to the total price until you checkout.



Edited by bedengler (see edit history)
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Hi Bedengler,

Are you sure the Theme is 1.5.x compatible? There was a thread about this not too long ago, and there the problem was the compatibility of the theme.


1) check compatibility with provider

2) if not compatible, check with your theme provider if there's an update

3) if that doesn't work, check if the solution here works for you:



Hope that helps,


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Check if this solution fixes the shipping cost calculation as well.

if not, I took out the shipping costs from our cart as well, using this code ( code, but must be similar). Add the red code (insert after/wrap it around some existing code (shown in black))



<p id="cart-prices">

<span>{l s='Total products' mod='blockcart'}</span>

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_cart_total">{$productTotal}</span>


{if $page_name == 'order'}


<span>{l s='Shipping' mod='blockcart'}</span>

<span id="cart_block_shipping_cost" class="price ajax_cart_shipping_cost">{$shipping_cost}</span>



{if $show_wrapping}


{assign var='blockcart_cart_flag' value='Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING'|constant}

<span>{l s='Wrapping' mod='blockcart'}</span>

<span id="cart_block_wrapping_cost" class="price cart_block_wrapping_cost">

{if $priceDisplay == 1}{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, $blockcart_cart_flag)}{else}{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, $blockcart_cart_flag)}{/if}</span>



{if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)}

<span>{l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}</span>

<span id="cart_block_tax_cost" class="price ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span>



{if $page_name == 'order'}

<span>{l s='Total' mod='blockcart'}</span>

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_block_cart_total">{$total}</span>



{if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label == 1 && $show_tax}


Hope this helps,


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Hi Pascal,


thanks for your advice! It solved the problem.

I just followed your link http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/206874-solved-duplicate-items-in-cart-error/


What I did is, I didn't rename the whole folder in the theme's module directory, but I started renaming each file and checking if it helped each time I changed a filename.

In the end I renamed blockcart.tpl and blockcart-json.tpl to anything (I added "...old", so "blockcart.tpl" became "blockcart.tpl.old").

Now I only have the "ajax-cart.js", the "blockcart.css" and the translation-file "de.php" in the folder.


Since I did that the shipping calculation works fine, so I don't have to deactivate shipping.

And the double entries-problem is also solved now!


Thanks for your help!


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