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guys this may seem really noob, but i did actually check through the forums aswell, i saw some really great tutorials/articles that got me this far...


im an absolute beginner ive added a screenshot showing points of interest so you guys can understand me better


the green highlighted area is where i want to colour in completely black


the blue area includes the search bar and the top menu,

i want to delete the search bar


i want to change the font colour for the top menu


the orange area is where i wanted to put a shadow like on some other websites i saw, i can give you an example of this shadow if you need one



thanks in advance guys ^_^


p.s is there a chat system for devs so we can ask eachother questions in real time?


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Hi there, and welcome to the forums.


The bg: in global.css, add this style

#page {

background: black;

box-shadow 4px 4px 4px 4px (change these values as you want the shadow to be, refer to W3Cschools if you want to learn more about box shadow



the search: back office->modules scroll to quick search block and disable/uninstall it



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