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Assistance with adding 2 attributes not in PrestaShop

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Hello i am new to PrestaShop and i creating a website for a tour booking website. For this website i need to add 2 additional product attributes that are not built into PrestaShop. I need to add a text field for "Pick up Location" and Pickup Date". These attributes doesn't affect the price calculations. I just need to capture the info when the order is submitted.

I know about the "product customization" text fields but they hidden behind a tab that's not apparent at first glance. I want an easy to see way for visitors to add this info.


Can some recommend a way i could do this or a plugin that might add the functionality. Thanks for your advice.


I have attached a Photoshop screencap of what i have in mind


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I have done something logically similar in my site though not as you have in your photoshop slice.But invlove a delivery date and specific delivery location for every order. I used the message field to insert a datepicker and the delivery address to incorporate a specific delivery location. My sites url is in my signature.


For me I needed a specific delivery date and specific delivery location per order regardless of the number of products bought.So this one worked fine for me.


Hope this sheds some light in your endeavor :) .

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