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URL not found

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Help please


I have this message for ALL the site (www.x-camsports.fr)



Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

What can i do ?

This is hereafter my configuration


Version du logiciel serveur: Apache

Version de PHP: 5.3.21

Limite de mémoire: 128M

Temps d'exécution maximal (max_execution_time): 10

Informations sur la base de données

Version de MySQL: 5.5.27-log

Moteur MySQL: InnoDB

Préfixe des tables: ps_

Informations sur votre boutique

Version de PrestaShop:

URL de votre boutique: http://www.x-camsports.fr/

Nom du thème utilisé: default

Informations sur la configuration mail

Méthode d'envoi de mail: Vous utilisez vos paramètres SMTP

Serveur SMTP: smtp.x-camsports.fr

Utilisateur: Défini

Mot de passe SMTP: Défini

Cryptage: off

Port: 25

My informations

Informations vous concernant: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31


HELP please



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A url rewriting issue for sure. Can you at least access the back office? If not, erase your .htaccess file, access the admin, go to seo and urls (preferences) and turn off friendly urls. Then, check that your server supports this feature

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A url rewriting issue for sure. Can you at least access the back office? If not, erase your .htaccess file, access the admin, go to seo and urls (preferences) and turn off friendly urls. Then, check that your server supports this feature


Thnaks it worls simply with "seo and urls (preferences) and turn off friendly urls"

Big thanks even if it could seems so easy ... not foe me !

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