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Avoid products in parent category

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I have a shop with many categories and subcategories.


I think I am missing something and even googling I could not find a solution for a very simple problem:


How do I avoid that products in a subcategory are also displayed in the parent category? I assume the answer is simple...


Thanks in advance for your replies,



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To really avoid, you probably need to recode some files. If your list of categories is quite static, maybe it's easier to create some SQL query and periodically check in your database if you make that error.


I once needed the opposite: I wanted to find subcategories, where their products were NOT in it's main category. I came to something like this:




(N.B. This quesry expects only 2 layers of categories


-Main category ('top' level)

- - subcategory (sub level 1)


If you have some SQL experience, you might be able to create from this what you need.



My 2 cents,


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