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Fetch and display products by their ID


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I'm creating a page which selects products based on id_feature_value and then listing them.


The SQL works but I'm wondering what information you need to send to the product-list.tpl file. I've tried to look in different templates using product-list.tpl but can't figure out what information they're sending/the template file needs to display my products.


E.g. it will be a customized product page and I would like the same functionality as the regular one (AJAX, compare etc).


SELECT *, GROUP_CONCAT(`id_feature_value` SEPARATOR ', ') as features FROM shop_product_lang pl JOIN shop_feature_product fp ON pl.id_product = fp.id_product WHERE pl.id_lang = $id_lang AND `id_feature_value` IN ($attribsJoined) GROUP BY pl.id_product


Is there a function to fetch all the information for several products at once when provided with their IDs?

Then I could just use that and send all information as $products to the template file?


I hope this explains enough, otherwise please feel free to ask for more information.


Thank you in advance!


Best regards


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