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Infiniti Loop / Endlosschleife in Frontend / FrontOffice

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Hi there,


maybe someone know my problem.

I have installed Prestashop V 1.5.4. on my webspace, everything worked well (install)

and I can log-in in the backend and adjust everything there.


Just if I try to open the frontend, the shop itself, the browser always stuck in an

infiniti loop (Endlosschleifen bzw. Umleitungsschleife in Deutsch).


I started to look through the whole .htaccess file, asking the webhoster (all-inkl.com)

an searching for hours through differnt forum I didn't get any result.


In the backend there is one message displayed, in folder URL's:


Eine URL-Umleitung (mod_rewrite) ist auf Ihrem Server nicht aktiviert, oder es ist nicht möglich, Ihre Serverkonfiguration zu überprüfen. Für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung muss mod_rewrite aktiviert sein.


That means that mod_rewrite is not activated in the serverconfig, but support of all-inkl

says it is.


I'm so close to great my own webshop and then there a problem that not can be fixed?

- I hope somebody had the same and is able to help me out. - THANKS!




Shop_Adress: shop.teamgruber.at

Edited by Sinni1986 (see edit history)
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