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PS 1.5 Custom field

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Hello everyone,


Since a few months I'm working with Prestashop. I'm very pleased with the system.

But now, when our website is up and running, we need a feature that isn't in the system by default. I search the whole web but I couldn't find a solution.


We sell shoes. Every shoe has his own Name and Reference. But we have shoes with the same name and the same reference. The only thing that is different is the the color, or the material or just something special that distinguish two products.


I already use the attributes to give a product his material, color etc. But know I need a field where I can add something special to the product. Just one definition. That can me a material definition or a color, or perhaps even the weight. The plan is to show that 'special value/definition' in the product overview, so visitors can see the (only) difference directly.


I thought about using a attribute, but the problem is (as far as I know) that it is not possible to show one attribute in the product overview.


There's one more thing, but thats just a nice-to-have. I would be great is that 'special value' can be added to the SEO scheme of the product URL.


I hope someone can help me out finding a great stably solution.


KInd regards!

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Great it looks like this is something that can help me. But before I start to implementate, I need to beware of a view things:


- Is it possible make it just a input field (no big textarea, just one field)

- Is it possible to show the content of the inut text field in the product overview (next to product name etc).

- Is it possible to add this field next to the product name and product reference field in the BO? Of isn't that part of the BO editeble at all.


KInd regards!

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