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Converting 1.1 themes to 1.2

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Hi all

I have had a few people asking me about 1.2 themes on my site. Although i am in the process of converting some of my themes over, i am mainly hoding off until the final release.

A quick fix for converting 1.1 themes to 1.2 is...

1. copy the "js" folder from the default 1.2 theme and paste it into the 1.1 theme you wish to convert.

Im not a javascrpt programmer so its easier to just overwrite the whole folder. I believe there is some changes in there.

2. open header.tpl in the 1.2 default theme and copy everything "above" the </head> tag and replace that same information in the 1.1 header.tpl

Test it out

There is a few additional things in the global.css but they shouldnt effect the theme working to much


P.S. if anyone wishes to add to this them please do so

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