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How to set the same price for similar products?

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I am evaluating PrestaShop as an engine for www.artbylena.com, and I'd like to be able to set prices not for each individual painting, but by dimensions and some other attributes (for example, different technique).


Is this possible to do with PrestaShop? I tried setting up attributes and features - but could not find the way to do what I need.


Thank you!



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Thank you, I tried that before posting my question. Either I did not quite understand it, or it was not what I wanted....

What I'd like to see is: (simplified)

  1. Make a product category like "oil paintings" and say that a base price for all oil paintings = $N dollars.
  2. Make another category ("watercolors") and set a different base price
  3. Make a set of sizes, like: 24x36, 36x48 and set:

    1. 24x36 adds %X to the base price
    2. 36x48 adds %Y to the base price

[*]So, when I change a base price for a category, all prices for all sizes are recalculated on-the-fly. And the most important: I do not set price for each individual product (painting).

I appreciate if you give me one more hint on how to do that

Thanks again!

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