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duplicate TM Slider in PS1.4

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Hi I try to duplicate the TM Slider 1 in Prestashop 1.4


what I did:



  1. in /modules duplicate tmslider1 and renamed it tmslider2
  2. changed in config.xml all TM Slider 1 and tmslider1 to TM Slider 2 and tmslider2 in the script
  3. changed tmslider1.php to tmslider2.php
  4. changed in tmslider1.php all TM Slider 1 and tmslider1 to TM Slider 2 and tmslider2 in the script
  5. changed tmslider1.tpl to tmslider2.tpl
  6. changed in tmslider1.tpl all TM Slider 1 and tmslider1 to TM Slider 2 and tmslider2 in the script
  7. Uploaded back to the modules as tmslider2

but doesn't appear in the Backoffice, shows only TM Slider #1 is it needed to change something else ???

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I don't know the license for it, maybe module owner does not allow to duplicate module :) just saying


if you want to duplicate module you must:

1) change directory and main module file name (.php)

2) change class name (it must be other than original)

3) change javascript slider object name and functions related to this object

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yes I did this all... it's also very strange because even the css doesn't effect on that module.. I also tried to put in a style tag right into the module template for example




<div id="tmslider1" style="margin-top:-400px;">


the output on page is:

<div id="tmslider1">


I cleared /tools/smarty/cache and /tools/smarty/compiled

also disabled Smarty cache and compile function in the back office performance tab.


also my browser cache is empty...


there is no extra config for this module in the temp folder.. whats going on here.. ?? why doesn't it show my edits...

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this is the module compiled php in the smarty/compile folder:



File: 41e3058b4081728bfc154b413a08d5a1e17a2570.file.tmslider1.tpl

<?php /* Smarty version Smarty-3.0.7, created on 2013-03-15 12:51:38
	 compiled from "/stykactt/www.blabla.xx/modules/tmslider1/tmslider1.tpl" */ ?>
<?php /*%%SmartyHeaderCode:114779696051430b4af239a2-82837860%%*/if(!defined('SMARTY_DIR')) exit('no direct access allowed');
$_smarty_tpl->decodeProperties(array (
 'file_dependency' =>
 array (
'41e3058b4081728bfc154b413a08d5a1e17a2570' =>
array (
  0 => '/stykactt/www.blabla.xx/modules/tmslider1/tmslider1.tpl',
  1 => 1363344944,
  2 => 'file',
 'nocache_hash' => '114779696051430b4af239a2-82837860',
 'function' =>
 array (
 'has_nocache_code' => false,
)); /*/%%SmartyHeaderCode%%*/?>
<div id="tmslider1" style="margin-top:400px;">
<?php  $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['home_link'] = new Smarty_Variable;
$_from = $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('xml')->value->link; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array');}
if ($_smarty_tpl->_count($_from) > 0){
foreach ($_from as $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['home_link']->key => $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['home_link']->value){
 <li class="slide<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('smarty')->value['foreach']['links']['iteration'];?>
  <a href="<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('home_link')->value->url;?>
<img src="modules/tmslider1/<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('home_link')->value->img;?>
" alt="" />
 <span class="txt1"><?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('home_link')->value->{$_smarty_tpl->getVariable('field1')->value};?>
 <span class="txt2"><?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('home_link')->value->{$_smarty_tpl->getVariable('field2')->value};?>
<?php [spam-filter] ?>
</div> </ul>


and the code from: modules/tmslider1/tmslider1.tpl (take care just on the first line of the script and see what the compiled file shows up + what the html output shows up)


<div id="tmslider1" style="margin-top:-600px;">
{foreach from=$xml->link item=home_link name=links}
 <li style="margin-top:-100px;" class="slide{$smarty.foreach.links.iteration}">
  <a href="{$home_link->url}">
<img src="modules/tmslider1/{$home_link->img}" alt="" />
 <span class="txt1">{$home_link->$field1}</span>
 <span class="txt2">{$home_link->$field2}</span>


and html frontoffice output is:


<div id="tmslider1">
  <li class="slide1">
  <a href="category.php?id_category=2">
<img src="modules/tmslider1/slides/slide_00.jpg" alt="" />
<span>.....ans so on


why the hell is this not working ? is there an extra cache anywhere ?

Edited by nolis (see edit history)
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