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Empty Category Block

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I use PrestaShop

I have a problem with the Category block here:



The product categories are there, but only if you click on the main menu's "Home" button.

But further down the page, to the left, the Categories block ("Kategorier") is empty.

Why are the product categories not showing in the category block?

The block seems correctly configured, but why are the categories not showing? - when they are showing in the main menu?


Thank you for your help,



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  • 2 years later...

I search a long time for this... make sure, your choose a Main-Categorie as Shop-Start-Categorie (In German "Hauptkategorie" [icon with the Chain and + ] ).

If you add a Category which is not a Main-Category, it wouldn't appear in the Shop.


After you set this Main-Category, choos it in Mulishop-Settings as Maincategory

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