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Problem Trying To Insert External Links

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Hi, NOW SOLVED see below


I'm a new user of Prestashop, have got my site up and running all ok after a few problems which searching the forums are now all ok. However I have run into a problem that I can't seem to solve.


Whenever I try and add a link to an external site whether it be on a CMS page or anywhere in the BO by using http://www.domain.com the page won't save and I get want appears to be a 406 unacceptable followed by 404 error.


I have no problems with creating internal links its just whenever http:// is put anywhere in a field for a link, even in a description field I get the error when trying to save the page.


It must be something simple but I just can't figure it out, everything else BO and FO works fine. I'm sure it must be something simple and I've tried all sorts.


If anyone could give me some help or suggestions it would be great.




Prestashop v

Edited by sidude (see edit history)
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Hi Sidude,

A question:

- Is your site up and running on a host, or still ony locally installed? If using a host, do you have cPanel or similar available?


If you have cPanel, try the following:

Open the ModSec Manager app (hopefully available, in cPanel normally located as one of the 'security block' apps)

Turn off the mod_security for your website (uncheck the box next to your site domain name)


hit the Update button and see if your site still has problems.


Let me know if this helps...


My 2 cents,


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The site is up and running on a shared hosting. I have looked in cPanel but do not have Modsec Manager listed anywhere?


I have just read googled and tried adding the following code into .htaccess to turn off mod security but it made no difference


<IfModule mod_security.c>

SecFilterEngine Off

SecFilterScanPOST Off



Does mod_security need to be diabled in order for Prestashop to work correctly?



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Thanks for the replies, I have now sorted the issue out.


It was a mod_security issue, PascalVG was correct.


I contacted the hosting company who were excellent had a look through at everything for me, it turns out that they tweeked mod_security on my admin folder and everything is now fine.


I wasn't aware that mod_security wouldn't affect my BO in this way, I don't know enough about it to be honest but it also appears that it can be directory/folder specific.


Anyway thanks PascalVG as you pointed me in the right direction. So if anyone else has this problem it looks like this is the answer.


Not sure how I amend this topic to solved?

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