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We're just planning a couple of new sites (we're UK based but will include export and import) that we plan to use Prestashop for, including the multi-site features, and having installed a test site (which seems fine) and searched the forums and add-ons we can't seem to find much information on accounting software integration!

Is this because Prestashop has good accounting features built in that we just have not seen?! (VAT reporting, supplier management/creditors, bank reconcilliation etc)

We have been using Sage Line50 series, but are open to changing as we are due a major renewal/upgrade fee, so now is the time to review other options ...

Either cloud based or locally installed system would be considered, but clearly integration is key!


We're also moving from Sage Act! CRM and are looking at SugarCRM or Capsule, is there a prefered CRM solution for Prestashop that has relatively seemless integration?


Many thanks in advance, and sorry if these questions have been answered before, just can't seem to find much about it!




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Forgot to mention we're in the UK (if the username did not give it away - from accounting software perspective)


So I have found a Sage Line50 export add-on, but not a sync tool



SugarPShop is not free, the basic version is but the proper version is €399, and sadly their website is only in French, so not giving me huge confidence is getting English support (unless anyone else has first hand experience and testimonials).


Oddly I had missed this:


Which goes with VTiger instead of SugarCRM, and is tied around "Front Accounting" which I have never heard of before ... Is anyone using this setup with Prestashop?


Any other poitners appreciated



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