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Different prices showing BO and FO

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This is the second PS store that I have built but I haven't seen this one before. I have set specific pricing for some closeout items, but it is showing a different price on the back end than on the front end. See the attached screenshots. The Avail 5 bicycle should be $594.60, so it is a 105.39 discount from 699.99. But it is showing $601.38 on the front. Hmmm.


I have tried re-entering the specific pricing rule and that didn't change anything.


Am I making a rookie mistake somewhere?



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Hmm I'm trying different ways of setting up the price and the only way to make it show the price that I want is to use the reduced price as the regular price. Any thoughts, anybody??


Send a screen shot of your Product > Pricing. Are you entering a Pre-Tax Price or any price relating to Wholesale Unit? Are you entering anything in impact % under Product > Pricing?

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Attached are some more screenshots. I use discount amount rather than percent in this instance, but I am experiencing similar problems with items that use a discount percent rule.


Get rid of the unnecessary extra zeros (shown in the first screen shot attachment).

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I do have combinations but none that affect price. See attached. I also removed the zeros at the end, saved, checked, still the same issue. When I went back the zeros were there again so I think that is a PS thing.


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Hmm I'm shopping the store trying to find an instance of an incorrect percentage. I found some in shoes a while back that were behaving the same way but I'm not sure if it was by percent or amount. Trying to find other instances now but they all seem to be discount by amount.


I've reached out to where I purchased the template to see what they can come up with, but this is a weird behavior that I was wondering if anybody else had ever seen??

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Well the problem is officially intermittent. After going live the site behaved as it should, a day later (today) it is back to calculating discounts incorrectly. No help from the template designer so far.


Any thoughts?



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  • 2 weeks later...

FYI for anybody interested: The factor has been identified as guests that are logged in are showing incorrect pricing, regardless of the group (and no, there are no group discounts assigned :P ). Guests that do not log in are shown the correct pricing.


I'll post an update once it is fixed, just in case anybody else has this problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey bokoo. i have the same issue. I have an item of which i have created some combinations. I made a simple thing, i put the price as default for the item . and created the combination-1 with no change in the price. I created combination-2 with an increase in the price by 5$, taking the whole price of the item to 8$ . But when i check the product on the Front Side, the combination-1 is working correctly but combination-2 is showing 10$, which is weird because i checked all the prices (shipping etc) but there is nothing in there to be changed. I also tried logging in the site and also without logging in, but still the same issue. Any help will highly be appreciated

Edited by chordz (see edit history)
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Hey chordz yeah this one wasn't fun for us to dig into. For us the issue was in a controller file that giving an unnecessary multiplier to discounted prices. One line of code that caused numerous headaches.


Your issue seems a little different because of combinations. You might check the setup of your customer groups, but if there is no change logged-in vs logged-out this should not be the problem. Keep on troubleshooting your settings, more often than not the issue lies there.


If you get to the end of troubleshooting and still cannot track down a setting that will fix this then it could be a controller issue similar to ours. I would start by updating to the latest iteration of your install version (1.4 or 1.5), as this could easily fix the error. As a last resort I can provide the information for a contractor I work with for problems that go above my programming capabilities.

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