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Default demo Categories Ipods etc persist after deletion

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Apologies if this is mis-posted but seems like the best place


Installing and configuring Prestashop version:


I have followed the instructions and deleted the default Ipods, Accessories etc data.


Then loaded via CSV new Categories


That was successful and works ok


However the Ipods, Accessories and Laptops demo categories still display in the footer bar. See "HomeScreen.jpg"


If I select a Category that I have loaded that expands into the relevant sub-categories in the sidebar but still has Ipods, Accessories and Laptops demo categories still displayed in the footer bar. See "SignsCategorySelected.jpg"


But then if I select a sub-category that I have loaded that expands into the relevant sub-sub-categories in the sidebar now has the top level categories displayed in the footer bar. See "HouseholdSignsCategorySelected.jpg"


I would rather remove the Categories entirely from the footer bar - I've tried to do that but with no success. If they cannot be removed then at least get them correctly displaying the top level Categories correctly


Thanks in advance





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