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differents prices between invoices and payments

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Hi !


I have a very annoying problem and I still don't know if it's a bug, or a bad configuration of prestashop by myself.


Let's say a customer has entered his euro VAT number in his profile (so he can buy without taxes).

If the customer buy a product with a specific discount (a number, not a percent), his invoice will not match the price that he will actually pay.


I almost found where the problem is coming from, here an example :


John enter his VAT number in his profile.

I sell a computer 1000e WT, with a specific discount of 100e (not that the specific discount are VAT included).

There is no shipping fees.


Then, in his cart, and when he will enter his credit card numbers, he will pay ~"916.4e" because :

the product is 1000e WT (he entered his VAT number so he don't pay the VAT) minus (900 - (100/1.196)) = 83.6e (the discount taxes excluded).


BUT to generate the invoice (in prestashop and also in openSI), we get the following results :

1000e WT minus 100e. He do not remove the VAT from the discount.


Finally John pay 916.4e, but we get an invoice showing 900e...


Do you have an idea if this is a known bug ? Or if this is a common mistake (I have already googled it but no success...)


Thank you for your attention and your help =) I hope I've been clear enough.

Edited by Nephila (see edit history)
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