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Import works but no data shows?


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I'm very new to prestashop, and the import module is doing my head in! I'm getting the message that the csv file has imported sucessfully, but there is no data actually showing when for example i click over to the customers module.


I have read and googled to no avail, please help??




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If you hadn’t done everything correctly, and some errors still arrive it is a common problem.

check if the file permissions is "777".

2. On the Inventory Tab, The quantity in stock has to be greater than the ‘out of stock’ minimum quantity, The item has to be marked ‘In-Stock’

3. On the General Tab, The product’s status has to be set to ‘Enabled’ and the visibility has to be set to ‘Catalog’ or ‘Catalog and Search’

4. Once you’ve made sure of these, go go System->Index Management and refresh the product-category indices

Also watch

on how to fill your store catalogue automatically. Edited by shelly-g (see edit history)
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