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Serbian translation , Srpski and errors


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This is how it is , I try many CMS-s for ecommerce but I stuck with prestashop because he has best interface for online shop. I try to transate it and i have problems :

---------------------1. When I translate 70% my prestashop was demage on upgrade and I didn't save backup. 2. Then I start from begin and I need help from creators of Presta, but they except first massage doesentI seems to be interested .

3. I translate once again but when I upgrade to I cannot load end continue

4. Then I rollback to old load from here...

5 Then I unu=install and install presta , and try, and loose data , and uninstall and install .............................30-40 times and that is that.

Presta will be good tool in some years but now it sucks, thanks to creators for ther unsuport



Here are some of my translation some with Front some with Back office ,some with massages

I have too more on my job I will update them tomorow.......Use if u can.

notice thet some have word corrections use later if u cant or want


Somehow i manage to use translation

75% prevoda na srpski uradjeno možete pogledati na www.materijal.tk




I see now that i do not have permissions for upload and if they give me I will upload

Here is the picture


Edited by milosbm (see edit history)
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Presta will be good tool in some years but now it sucks, thanks to creators for ther unsuport



Prestashop is best free platform for online stores and have all that you need if you dont know to make translation that is your problem.

Ja sam licno napravio sam sebi prevod za sve 1.4 verzije 1.5 ne koristim jos uvek zbog nedostataka i malo modula koje podrzava.

Tako da mi nije bas jasan ovaj deo kako presta nije dobra :mellow: .

Malo se potrudi pa ces ga napraviti!

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  • 4 months later...

Pozdrav narode!

Testiram u lokalu Prestashop 1.5 verziju.

Radio sam sa raznim skriuptama ali sada treba da radim jedan shop pa rekoh da vidim kako radi Presta.

Prvi i za mene pravi problem je omogućavanje da radi na srpskom.

Sve sam propisno uradio po uputstvu, dodao jezik, ubacio onaj .gzip u translations.

Dobio sam zastavicu ali i dalje sve je na engleskom.

Onda odradim sve to sa hrvatskim i sve je isto kao i kod srpskog.

Gde grešim i da li je ovaj problem rešiv.

Unapred hvala na pomoći.

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