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Adding a field to products

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I'd like to add a field that will display the "Retail Price", then use the existing "Pre-tax retail price" field to enter "Our price". I am pretty sure I can figure out how to change the wording but I don't know how to add the new field and have it display above the existing price field, on both the product listings and the individual product pages.


The display would be:


Retail Price: XX.XX

Our Price: XX.XX


Any help is appreciated! Thanks,

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I made some progress on this using the "specific price" section for an item. I deselected the "leave base price" option and applied a $100 discount. On the product page I now had an "old price" and a "new price" and changed the text in the tpl files to show "Retail Price" and "Our Price" and modified the CSS to display how I wanted it. So this seems to work for what I want to do. However, I want to be able to have sale items as well and cannot figure out how to add another field that would say "Sale" and then show a third price.


Example of where I am currently at is attached. Maybe if I sleep on it I'll have ideas in the morning... :)


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