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Creating a new tab in the front-office

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Hello everyone,


I'd like to add a new tab in the front-office. I read the UserGuide for PS1.5 entirely, but I can't find any info for creating a tab so far (Have I skipped any section?).


In the demo, you can see 3 tabs on the top, namely, 'Home' 'iPod' and 'Accessories'. However, there is no tab for 'Laptops', even though it's registered as a category (since it's shown under 'Categories' on the left side; you can check it in the back-office, too).


The fact that 'iPod' has a tab, on the other hand, 'Laptops' doesn't have any tab.

Then, what is the difference between 'iPod' and 'Laptops', regarding the tab?

It seems they are registered in the same way in the back-office ... I can't find any difference ...


So, please tell me how to create a new tab for 'Laptops' in the front-office.

If it's difficult, creating a new tab for a brand-new category would be fine with me, too.

Thank you in advance.




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