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my first module


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First error I spot:

		if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('
			INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'searchbyvehicle`(`Regnr`, `Fordonstyp`)
			VALUES(abc123, Volvo 945 B230FT)')


should probably be:

		if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('
			INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'searchbyvehicle`(`Regnr`, `Fordonstyp`)
			VALUES(\'abc123\', \'Volvo 945 B230FT\')')


or something like that: SQL string values must be quoted. It is a good idea to try your SQL syntax in phpMyAdmin or similar...


Mmm, I see you mention it at the start of the message. But "I get error" isn't helpful, it is better to report the errors you have...


I don't see a blatant error in the second code snippet, but again, telling us what error it is would help.

Edited by PhiLho (see edit history)
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This is the new code.

But i cant se the list from the db like i whant to...


And now i get some errors after the new edit in the code.

Fatal error: Cannot make static method ModuleCore::display() non static in class searchbyvehicle in modules\searchbyvehicle\searchbyvehicle.php on line 13


I get som more errors:

Table 'presta.ps_searchbyvehicle' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM `ps_searchbyvehicle


And the modules is not instaling,,,,,,


Are i missing something ????


class searchbyvehicle extends Module
	private $_html = '';
	private $_postErrors = array();
	public  $path;
	private $_pagination = array(20,50,100,300);

function __construct()
	$this->name = 'searchbyvehicle';	
	$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
	$this->version = 0.1;
	$this->author = 'Niklas';

	$this->table = 'searchbyvehicle';
	 $this->className = 'Searchbyvehicle';

	 $this->lang = false;
	 $this->edit = true;
	 $this->view = true;
	 $this->delete = true;
	$this->deleted = true;
	$this->requiredDatabase = true;


	$this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
	$this->displayName = $this->l('Search by vehicle');
	$this->description = $this->l('Search tire and rims');

	$this->_errors = array();
	$this->path = $this->_path;

	$modDesc	  = $this->l('<fieldset>This module allows you to include as many banners as you like.');
	$modStatus	= $this->l('You can upload, order, activate or deactivate as many banners and select if you want them in the right or left columns.</fieldset>');
	$this->_html .= "<b>{$modDesc}</b><br /><br />
			{$modStatus}<br /><br /><br /><br />";

	$this->_select = 'SELECT Regnr FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'searchbyvehicle ORDER BY Regnr DESC LIMIT 1';
	$this-> fieldsDisplay = array (
	'Regnr' => array('title' => $this->l('Regnr'), 'align' => 'center', 'width' => 25),
	'Fordonstyp' => array('title' => $this->l('Fordonstyp'), 'width' => 25),
	'Marke' => array('title' => $this->l('Marke'), 'width' => 80),
	'Modell' => array('title' => $this->l('Modell'), 'width' => 60),
	'Arsmodell' => array('title' => $this->l('Arsmodell'), 'width' => 120, 'maxlength' => 19));		

	function getContent()
	$this->_html = '<h2>'.$this->displayName.'</h2>';		//Display Header
	if (!empty($_POST)){
		if (!sizeof($this->_postErrors))
			foreach ($this->_postErrors AS $err)
				$this->_html .= "<div class='alert error'>{$err}</div>";
	} else
		$this->_html .= "<br />";

	return $this->_html;
public function display()
	global $cookie;

	if (isset($_GET['view'.$this->table]))
		$this->getList((int)($cookie->id_lang), !Tools::getValue($this->table.'Orderby') ? 'DESC' : NULL);
## INSTALL ##############################################
	function install()
			if (parent::install() == false
							OR !$this->registerHook('home')
							OR $this->_createTables() == false
					return false;
			return true;
	*	   createTables()
	*	   Called when intalling
	public function _createTables()
	$db = Db::getInstance();
			/*	  Create banners card table */
			$query = 'CREATE TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'searchbyvehicle` (
							`Regnr` char(6) NOT NULL,
							`Fordonstyp` char(2) NOT NULL default "",
							`Marke` char(255) NOT NULL default "",
							`Modell` char(255) NOT NULL default "",
							`Arsmodell` char(255) NOT NULL default "",
							PRIMARY KEY (`Regnr`)
			$result = $db->Execute($query);
			if (!$result)
					return false;
			return true;

	function uninstall()
			$db = Db::getInstance();
			$query = 'DROP TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'searchbyvehicle`';
			$result = $db->Execute($query);
			if (!$result)
					return false;

			if (!parent::uninstall())
					return false;
			return true;
## HOOK ##############################################  
	 function hookHome($params)
			global $cookie, $smarty;
					'searchbyvehicle_class' => 'home',
					'searchbyvehicle' => $this->getBanners('3'),
			return $this->display(__FILE__, 'searchbyvehicle.tpl');


I whant list them like customer list i BO


Edited by spc (see edit history)
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