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Showing root category image in all underlying categories and products

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Hi all, PrestaShop noob here. (version


I am trying to show the root category image in the header of my templates for all pages within the catalog (including product pages), but I guess I am stuck. I have played around with {$path} and {$product->id_category_default} but I see no way to extract the root from them.


I'm hoping to avoid using PHP if at all possible. All I really need is the id of the root category of the current product or subcategory. Does anyone know if there is a way to check the path to root and find the first item with available variables in smarty?


(Btw. is there a list of all smarty variables in PrestaShop available, apart from the debug console?)

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Edit: I ended my search concluding this is not possible within current Smarty options. I suspect this would require some PHP and a DB query to search the return path to the root. To complicated to be economical for me at this moment. Let's call this a feature request :)


Still.. there might be possibilities within the variables used in the blockcategories module...

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