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Product Qty in cart table summery goes to Zero after customer login

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Ok. We are using 1.5.2


If you are a returning customer and you add products to cart as a guest (not yet logged in) then go to check out where THEN you login as a returning user, the product Qty in the table goes to zero while the 'Your shopping cart contains: 'X' products' above displays the right number of products.


You can increase the number of products in the table but the table Qty number stays at zero and the 'Your shopping cart contains: 'X' products' increases correctly. If you decrease the number of products (which still says 0) down you your cart empties and you get the 'Your shopping cart is empty.' warning.


If you refresh the page the right Qty number shows up in the table and all is well, it seems.


So what is causing the Qty. in the table to go to zero when a returning customer logs in on the checkout page?


We have been able to replicate this issue on multiple machine, ipads and it has nothing to do with clearing the local machines cache or cookies.

Edited by dsgnmind (see edit history)
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We've been able to relate this issue to a module we purchased, but the developer is not helping much at all. We need this fixed asap so we can continue our build and get our shop online.


We are able to know it is the modules modified file because the issue is not there until we replace the native .tpl file with their modified file.


The following code is from lines #26-40 the modified shopping-cart-product-line.tpl file under themes>default. Please if you see anything in the following code from that might cause this issue please let me know.


{assign var="product_link" value=$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
{if $awp_url_rewrite}
{assign var="awp_product_link" value="?"}
{assign var="awp_product_link" value="&"}
{assign var="awp_product_link" value=$awp_product_link|cat:'ipa='|cat:$productAttributeId|cat:'&ins='|cat:$product.instructions_valid}
{if $product_link|strpos:'#' > 0}
{assign var='amp_pos' value=$product_link|strpos:'#'}
{assign var='product_link' value=$product_link|substr:0:$amp_pos}
{assign var='product_link' value=$product_link|cat:$awp_product_link}
<tr id="product_{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_0_{$product.instructions_valid}_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}{if !empty($product.gift)}_gift{/if}" class="{if isset($productLast) && $productLast && (!isset($ignoreProductLast) || !$ignoreProductLast)}last_item{elseif isset($productFirst) && $productFirst}first_item{/if} {if isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId) AND $quantityDisplayed == 0}alternate_item{/if} cart_item address_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval} {if $odd}odd{else}even{/if}">
<td class="cart_product">
 <a href="{$product_link}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'small_default')}" alt="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($smallSize)}width="{$smallSize.width}" height="{$smallSize.height}" {/if} /></a>

Edited by dsgnmind (see edit history)
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